Thursday, April 24, 2014

Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

"What matters is not your outer appearance but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.” ―1 Peter 3:3–4, MSG 

Most of us are familiar with the quote, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Well, I must confess―I do. As well as canned goods, household products, smartphones, cars, appliances, and just about anything that boasts a price tag. This mindset was etched into me as an advertising design major in college. Our classroom mantra was, “Presentation. Presentation. Presentation.”

In the world of advertising, appearance does matter―big time. The successful sale of a product is dependent on its packaging. It may be a lousy product, but if it is packaged well, it sells. The opposite is also true. A product may be incredible, yet remain on the store shelves due to poor package design. Most of us can attest to this fact, having bought a product that we quickly became dissatisfied with because it simply did not measure up to its outward show.

As for mankind, Scripture is very clear on how we are to present ourselves and on how we are to receive others. Taking wholesome pride in our physical appearance is important, but nurturing our spirit must take priority. Cultivating character not only pleases God, but it shapes our perception and acceptance of others. God looks at the heart, while people judge by the outward appearance. We see this play out daily as society continues to elevate and reward those who are attractive, well educated, and talented, while others are aching for someone to invite them to participate in life.

As the mother of a child with Down syndrome, I have seen the heartache of those considered “less than,” as well as their delight when someone reaches out to include them in activities. Those who are willing to invest themselves in socially challenged individuals, regardless of the cause, often discover inner qualities in them that are refreshing: unconditional love, a desire to please, pride in a job well done, sincere empathy, selflessness, the voice of truth, and unlimited forgiveness.

So don’t judge a book by its cover. Take a moment to look inside others. In doing so, you may discover an amazing story―one that God delights in.

This week, look beyond the physical appearance of someone others reject and invite him or her to participate in life. Yours will be enriched.

Now it's your turn to "get down"! How has your life been enriched by someone who has a disability?

Please leave a comment.

Keep your sunny side up,


  1. Great reminder, Starr. I have a friend who suffered a stroke several years ago. Her determination to live life to the fullest is inspiration in motion.

    While I have a long-standing habit of buying books based on the cover, I will not do so when it comes to mankind. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings!

    1. Kudos to you, Cathy, and God's continued enablement for your friend. In our appearance driven society, it is easy for us to fall into this mindset. So happy to know our Savior looks past the façade and goes straight to the heart. :) Thanks for replying.

  2. Starr,
    It's great that you started a blog and I love the name. We had a young man with D.S. in the church I used to attend. Everyone loved him. A young couple visited the church and he came to our class and indicated that we should par for the lady. She was willing so we did. After prayer, the lady said, "He sure knows when someone needs prayer." It was their first time visiting. Later they accepted Christ as their Savior. God uses whoever will listen to Him. God used this young man many times.

    1. What a great story, Phyllis. It is amazing how God uses "the least" in his kingdom to draw men to him. Precious. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
